"My Journey to Hell"
When I was 22 years old, I was struck by lighting while I was driving my car. For about 15 minutes I was transported into hell. During this time an Angel of the Lord was driving my car! For a long time I have forgotten a great deal of my journey to hell. On a vacation to Italy the memory of this experience came back bit by bit, not only memories from the time I had spent in Hell but also memories of my childhood when I saw Jesus and an angel standing next to my bed.
My Mom was 18 years old when I was born. Soon after that I got a stepfather, who rejected me. because of him. I experienced some bad things. By the age of five I went to church on a regular basis. At this stage Jesus became real to me and every time I was lonely , I prayed to Him. Often I was crying in my bed, because I was not supposed to be crying in front of my stepfather. Every attempt to cry would cause me to gain more punishment. At the age of seven I ran away from home for the first time and sought shelter at my grandmothers. Through those terrible experiences in my childhood, I lost all my faith in God. If there was a God, I thought, He would not have allowed all these terrible things in my life. During my youth, I tried to commit suicide three times. Jesus healed me from the pain in my past and by His grace I was able to forgive my stepfather. To Him alone belongs the glory. Back to the incident, where I was hit by lighting. Through this experience I became aware of the fact that there is life after death. I was sad when I thought that there would be loved ones, friends and family members caught in hell.
In summer 1981 I was driving home from a party, when it began to rain. My safetybelt from my passengerside was hanging out of the car door. By this I was earthed. All of a sudden it was very bright in my car. I was hit by lighting and I thought this is the end, I am dying. Immediatly I was screaming: Jesus help me, I don't want to die!
After that I left my body and I saw myself sitting in my seat with burned hands holding the steering wheel of my car. With an enormous rush the journey went through a tunnel, which was like a canyon. I did not touch it at all. This short time was terrible, I can't find the words to describe it. At the end of the tunnel, I stood in front of a big gate with the ingraved words "Welcome to Hell". There I was brought into a big waiting room, by demons that had met me at the entrance. I was utterly shocked by the earnest cries of the people for Jesus to help them. Did they not read their bible correctly to find out that it it is not enough to say yes to Jesus once, live as you please and at the end end up in Heaven.
That is a lie that is well spread, even in a lot of congregations today. After that I saw black passages in which I only felt great FEAR. The creatures that I saw there, were more terrifying than anything I even saw in a Horror movie. Today I know that they were demons. As soldiers they where marching past me, and in the middle of them were people that were screaming with pain. It was very difficult to breathe down there, because of the terrible smell of this place. I saw a lake, which looked like the inner part of a vulcano. where people were cursing because of great pain and crying out to Jesus.
I was grateful towards God for letting me see the happenings in this lake of fire from a distance. Does it not hurt when we burn ourselves at the iron or on the stove? How much more is the pain that is experienced in the lake of fire. People were cast into a cave,where there was no escape. Demons stood on the side of the cave and were throwing spears at them. Everytime someone was hit by a spear, he would cry and scream of pain. I experienced this torment myself and in all my life I never knew pain to this extent. I had pain in every part of my body. There were snakes over snakes crawling around and frightening the people. By the thought of it my tummy turns. Nobody should think there is time to convert in hell.
Everyone is busy with his own pain and anguish that has no end. In hell, I discovered a fear that has never been on earth. I makes me very sad to find so many unforgiving andsleeping Christians there. It is the last hour,we must wake up ! It was such a grace that I met Jesus in such a place. Jesus has the loveliest voice, the nicest eyes and a very special smile. His presence radiates an unimaginable light. He is more than embodied love, I can find no words to describe Him. He sent me back into my body with the instruction to proclaim what I had seen. In the meantime an angel was driving my car to my grandmother's house.
There I came to myself and started to scream. I was hit by lighting , - "I was dead and in hell!" I screamed again and again. Soon some neighbours in their pajamas appeared . At first they did not believe me, than someone saw that the plastic parts in my car that were melted and that the safety belt of the passenger's side was hanging outside. At the age of 24 I experienced another miracle of God`s hands. For a while I was living in Frankfurt and I often drove to my grandmother at weekends.
Unfortunately I never had enough money and the gas tank was nearly empty which was often the case. On this day I put just enough gas to reach the house of my grandmother. It was a wonderful summer day and during the drive I spoke to God. As I was looking at the beautiful landscape, it came to my mind that all this would come to an end. We as human beings are so busy providing for this life that we forget about the life there after. Because of these deep thoughts I missed the drive out. I asked Jesus to help me not to ran out of gas and stand on the highway. I believe in my heart that Jesus took care of me. From that minute my car was using no gas at all and I was driving 150 km in the wrong direction. At this weekend I was dancing for pure joy and thanking Jesus and honouring Him. Weeks later I was testifying about His goodness.
Later I was back in this world and in His faithfulness Jesus brought my back to Him. On July 7th 2002, at 2.00 in the morning I heard Jesus say: "I am coming soon and will fetch my bride, all those who are prepared for my coming and who have oil in their lamps." After that God , the Father will pour out HIS anger and wrath over the earth. Come now to Jesus, TODAY is the day of salvation! It is a lie to believe that a man only has to say Yes to Jesus without accepting Him as Lord to go to heaven. - Jesus said to those Jews who believed in Him : If you abide in my word , you are my disciples indeed" (John 8,31)
His word says in 1 John 2, verse 3-9 Now by this we know that we know Him; if we keep His commandments. He who says "I know Him", and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.
But whoever keeps His word, truly the love of God is perfect in Him. He who says he abides in Him ought to walk just as He walked. Brethren, I write no new commandment to you, but an old commandment which you have had from the beginning. The old commandment is the word which you heard from the beginning. Again a new commandment I write to you, which thing is true in Him and in you, because the darkness is passing away, and the true light is already shining.
He who says he is in the light, and hates his bother, is in the darkness until now.Unforgiving und backbiting other Christians is one of the biggest reasons, why people who accept Jesus as Lord, people who go to church every Sunday still land up in hell. I do bless every reader in the name of Jesus and wish him wisdom and understanding. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever more. He instructed us to love one another and to serve each other with the gifts He has given us. It is impossible to serve God and live according to this world!
If we want to be transformed into the image of Jesus, then we have to humble ourselves, because He says He is humble. Humbleness, total surrender and trust are the keys to Heaven. Let us get hold of these keys and reject the desires of this world. We do live in this world, but through the Baptism [we choose to be crusified in all flesh] we are no longer a part of this world. On this point Jesus gave me a vision, that is based on this thought. I saw a room that was totally dark, even the wallpaper on the walls was dark, there was no light at all. The people in this room (I am sure they were Christians) were without orientation and helpless. Directly next to this room was a room you could enter through a door. In this room all the walls were covered with valuable and lighted wallpapers, that I was blinded looking at it from this dark room.
The door between these two rooms however, was very low and you could only enter into the bright room when you were crawling. It was a shame, but there was nobody willing to crawl like a child to get into this bright room. Right here is where the problem is. The light is directly in front of many Christians, but they are not prepared to humble themselves. They rather stay in the darkness and that means that they are far away from God and would not find the way to heaven. All because of pride.
Through her experiences Sister Choo Thomas wrote a book: Heaven is so Real. In this book Jesus gives us a picture of our future in Heaven.
With each chapter the feeling of being a witness on the scene was just increasing. I could just sense the love of Jesus directly through it. Do not harden your heart to the love of God! Jesus is showing us that He is not just loving, but that He is Love. He is warning us through so many of His children throughout the whole world.
The time is close and God will pour out His wrath over the earth. Where would you be? Come unto Jesus and don't grieve the Holy Spirit further, tomorrow could be too late. Not only is Heaven Real, but by this experience that Hell is no fairy tale,it is just as Real ! If you should die today and you are not sure if you would make it to Heaven, give Your life to Jesus and pray this prayer
Dear Jesus, I open the door of my heart to you and receive you as my Lord and Savior. I believe that you are the Son of God and that You died for my sins. I do agree that I am a sinner and need Your forgiveness. Thank you for forgiving my sins and making me aware that I am special to You. Take control over my life and make me the person You want me to be. I give my further life to you alone. Amen.
In the beginning of August 2005 Jesus gave me a vision. I could not only see what God was showing me , I could feel it as well. I saw a lot of people raptured into Heaven , and felt someone grabbing me at my waist and immediately, with high speed I was going through the ceiling of my house and into Heaven. At this point of the rapture I thought: "This is unbelievable, I did not touch the ceiling!" In Heaven Jesus spoke to me, I would only stay for three days on earth to warn all the Christians,who would not make the Rapture ! Let me tell you what I experienced soon after I was on earth again:
It was possible for me to hear the trumpet, proclaiming the coming of the Lord, wanting to take His bride to Himself. I was shocked to see how many Christians failed the Rapture, even those pastors that are well known through TV programmes. However, I did not recognize anybody there, which is so much better for me, because no one can ask me: "Did you see me?" It was dark outside, although it was daytime, just image walking through a park at sunset alone and hearing strange voices from all corners, it`s a strange situation. I realized that the Holy Spirit was no longer on earth and this darkness at daytime was the result of it. Every person could see the demons and the people were screaming for fear. After this experience I felt a deep sadness because so many had stayed behind.
The thought that a lot of people wont believe me, made me cry. Due to lack of wisdom , because of lewdness, uncleanness, sorcery, jealousy, outburst of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissentions, adultery, fortification, idolatry, hatred, contentions, heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness, rivalries, rejecting of fellow believers and the lack of love they will miss the goal.
According to Galatians 5 ,16-21 Paul was speaking to the Christians. Believers; trust me , hell is real and if we do not let go the above mentioned sins and allow God to cleanse us, if we don`t obey this word , hell is where we will end up.
In Love Veronika-Ulrike
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Listen to Many More Who've Been to Hell & Back - Click Here (1) & (2)
A Covenant with Jeshua (Jesus)
My daughter Ann-Kathrin, 14 years old, asked me about 1 year ago, in a time when things did not look good, if we had already made a covenant with Jesus? And a set of occurrences I want to give my answer in addition on behalf Jeschuas here further. I had this report in October 2008 in similar form already once in the Internet. Due to the many attacks I had, I had to remove these from the net. Until 2 weeks ago, 11 September. 2009 the Lord gave me a somewhat special experience. Basically I had already mentioned this experience in one of my last reports; however I did not deal more in greater detail with it which I want to retrieve hereby. On the night of Thursday on Friday I was awakened, whether it was my personal protection angel, I don't know. He said that death comes now, but I should not to be afraid, because there is something that must be shown to me. Because of my Heart illness, I saw a lot of situations showing me how quickly life can be over. The enemy would use these situations many times to bring fear to me. A wave of fear came over me, that if I would die right now that I would go straight to hell, because the experience I had about 28 years ago was so terrible, that I just want to forget about it.
Especially the testimony of the illusory dead brought back many memories and made these attacks even worse.
But I declare here, that in the name of Jesus, I am a child of the most high and I will spend eternity with my Lord in heaven.
Back to what happened on September 11, 2009, my angel came to me and held me in his arms and I felt no more fear. After that I left my body and my spirit body held on to the angel. As we were going thru the second heaven, exactly there where the heavenly battles take place, I suddenly was being tickled. I knew that if I let go of my angel I would be lost. I asked the angel what that was and he told me that the enemy was trying to take off my shoes. So I held on even tighter to him and I told myself that I would not have any fear and I was going to continue this testimony no matter what anyone would think.
As we entered the atmosphere of the 3rd heaven, I could already feel the love of our heavenly father. I could feel it in my body. The love, the smell and the singing of heaven are always steady in my memory. As I was back in my body I had a joy that I cannot describe with words.
The important thing to remember is that in that same night I had a dream vision. I saw myself at the airport, with my ticket in my purse, last minute I made the plain. The Stewart stopped me and asked me where my ticket was. I excused myself and told him that it was in my purse. I told him that I was on my way to give my testimony and it was a very important mission. Like a bullet coming out of a pistol I asked him if he knows Jesus Christ. I did not even wait to get an answer; I just started telling him that about 28 years ago for about 15 minutes I was dead and went to hell. It just came out of me like a bubbling spring. I told him that if he were to die today he would end up in hell. I asked him, do you want that? After that he told me a part of his life, I can only remember in part what he told me and it was about a lot of sickness. The only thing I answered him was that in hell the pain would be a lot worse than here. There still is time but tomorrow it could be too late. He gave his life to Christ and another person did too. What mercy!
You would say, oh this was just a dream. I will tell you, yes it was, but I heard the Holy Ghost tell me that he is just waiting for one more person and then the rapture was going to happen.
Both of these experiences happened in the same night. This is why I believe that I should not keep this to myself. If the Holy Spirit told me that one person, I do not take it wordily,I take it as a clue that the rapture is near.
After that I was sure, like many other people around the world that the rapture was going to happen Rosh Haschana 2009.
As everyone knows, this came and passed, if it would be next year we would have to wait until September 2010. With everything that is happening. Swine flu, mandatory immunizations, Lissabon treaty in Europe, RFID chip and much more, it is hard for me to believe that our Father would wait another year until he would send his son.
Well, back to the covenant between me and Jesus. My daughter and I lived for three years in Lingen, my sons moved to their Dad for that season. For the call I had on me as an Evangelist, I was supported for 4 years by some of Germany's biggest companies.
We know that Jesus does not do anything, before telling his prophets. So, a prophet told me exactly to the day, 7 month before it happened that I needed to give all control to Jesus. That is why I was not surprised when I was told that I was no longer sponsored by these companies. I realized that if we did not receive a great miracle that I and my daughter would be out on the street.
Because of the message I received from the prophet I was not afraid, it came when a brother told me that I needed to get public assistants, because if I did not do that I would have child protective services after me. Suddenly a wave of fear came over me.
After that, I went to the welfare office to get assistance, which gave me even more problems. They told me; since I was self employed I would only receive part of what I should get. They told me that it was my problem to pay rent, food, etc...
After that I wrote to a few Christian's friends to please pray for me. A few days later I received an email that should have not been sent to me but it was about me. It said why I complained since I did receive Harz 4, what did I want, that I was begging. In this way Jesus let me know what people were saying about me.
Three days later I got a visit, which was rare at that time. There were 3 people from child protective services. They were told that I was different then other people, they thought I was crazy. If the presence of the Lord would not have been there, it could have had a bad ending.
They realized that I was not crazy, but they watched me. They informed my daughter's school and it seemed like they were just looking for something to take her away.
In the autumn vacation my son Tim came to visit with his girlfriend, my daughter was out with her friends. Here we were sitting the 3 of us in the living room when suddenly that doorbell rang and it was the police.
The first thing that came to me was that something happened to my daughter, but that fear was taken from me very quickly. They told me that I was preaching the end of the world and they were afraid of a mass suicide at my house. I felt kind of sick but at the same time it was funny, because the Lord made sure that we could give them our testimony and let them know about the rapture. Before the policemen left I made sure to give them a copy of the book ?so real is heaven" by Choo Thomas.
The men told me that they would not promise that they would read the book, but once everything happens what I told them about like, all the children being gone, a lot of people disappearing, then they will start reading the book.
Know I want to go back to the covenant between me and Jesus. My daughter and I would read a lot of books, all books by Rebecca Brown and Daniel Yoder, so it was not a surprise when she asked me if I had a covenant with Jesus. She said that I should know that if you have a covenant with Jesus he will always keep it.
I just want to add something that happened when I was 20, just real quick; it does pertain to the covenant with Jesus.
At that age I did not want children, because I thought it was irresponsible to place children in a world such as this. I had a short relationship with a man and I was terrified when my menstrual was late. Because of my fear that I was pregnant I went straight to the doctor. They told me that it was impossible to know if you are pregnant if you are one day late with your menstrual. Because I made a wave the doctor gave me a shot so I would start to bleed. He also told me that if this would not help I would have to go to the hospital. Well, I got the shot and 3 weeks later my menstrual came and it was so heavy as never before. What I could not forget was that 2 years later I could still feel where I got the shot. After the experience when I was hit by lightning and since I had given my life to Jesus the pain had left. That is when I knew, that I was pregnant. For a long time I would ask what my child would look like, if I had not done this horrible thing. In the spring of 2008 the Lord gave me an answer to this. He told me that I have a daughter and he personally gave her a name, Ester!
In my testimony I wrote that after a 7 year marriage I was divorced with 2 boys, Dennis was 6 and Tim was 3, I was all alone with them.
Really I had enough of men, but because the boys were so young and they really wanted a father, I listened to my step dad and put a partner add in the paper. I answered to 7 inquiries. As I was reading a new add, I could hear the voice of the Lord telling me that this would bring me big problems. But stubborn me was thinking, I will probably never meet him anyway.
Well, that man became the father of my daughter.
Know I want to go back to a covenant with Jesus. He showed me 3 days after my daughter was consifed that I was pregnant. After this vision, Satan came into the picture. I felt that he personally was in my bedroom. I could hear someone telling me, you don't want this child, everyone will laugh at you, have an abortion, no one will ever know.
This moment brought a sadness over my whole body. I could only think, I could not move. In my mind I was yelling for Jesus until finally I could get his name over my lips. When I got strength back into my body I jumped out of bed and got on my knees. I promised the Lord that I would not commit a sin so I could hide another one. I aborted one child; I would never do that again. After that I asked for forgiveness again for the horrible thing I had done. I promised the Lord I would have this child, no matter what anyone would say. I begged the Lord to always provide for us no matter what happened.
I was blessed with this child, because the Lord gave me a daughter. Today I see that everything started with my child in heaven, Ester, and everything ends with Ann-Kathrin. This is what I was supposed to learn regarding my children.
Not just me, nut a lot of other people, Jesus hates abortion!!! If we would look at a scale from 1 to 1000000000, then you would find abortion first place as to what Jesus hates.
Abortion is the most horrible and meanest thing, the most awful murder that exists. It happened as I asked, our king made sure that we always had enough. The harvest of sin did not spare me.
A long soulful pain was before me and my children. You reap what you sow. In this time my relationship with the Lord grew a lot. Today I can say that HE is everything to me!!!
As I already mentioned, fear, worry and panic, often knocked on my hearts door and I opened it.
Often times I forgot about the miracles like this one.... When my daughter was 1 year old, I got a thyroid infection and I got a knot. My pulse would not go under 120 even when I was resting, any little thing would spike it so high that I could not count it. One night I thought that I would not see the next day. I asked the Lord to have mercy on me because my children were still so small. As an answer he sent me an angel that told me that I need to trust Jesus.
The meaning trusting, the way we practice it, took me a while to do. Again and again I found myself in tests to trust the Lord. It would get better from time to time, but fear and unbelief was still there. Today I know that the test would not end until I overcame my fears.
Today I can say that I am thankful, that I made a covenant with Jesus. Because even my daughter realized that we have been in many difficult situations but we always had enough.
Some might say that who does not work, he should also not eat. Yes, that is correct, may the Lord give me a healthy heart, a heart that I can do my house work without hassle, because even that is hard at times. I would love to work and not depend on the government, but I can't do more then ask the Lord to supply.
No matter where we stand, the Lord is always with us. Did HE not say that the court begins with the house of the Lord?
Nobody knows, what all do we need to go thru, when will the Lord come and take us home. Because this wish only those Christians have that are going thru trials. I feel sorry for those Christians that are doing well, there is no need, those that have no thought about what is coming or who is coming.
I feel really bad for the pastors, the ones that are preaching the wealthy evangelism. All those pastors that are craddeling our churches asleep, those pastors that tell their congregations, don't worry it will be a long time before the Lord comes. Those pastors will have a rude awakening.
All you pastors all over the world, can't you see the signs and hours we are in? You all pray for awakening, awakening means that you need to wake up something that is asleep. When a pastor is full of joy and serves the Lord fully, then the whole congregation will follow. Don't be afraid that people will leave your church when they hear something that they don't like. Could it be that you are afraid that you will not have enough tithe coming?
We are supposed to preach the whole bible that also includes deliverance from demons. What happened about preaching repentance? In a lot of places they only preach about the lamb of God, don't forget Jesus is the lion of Judah!
There is a video in the internet about a pastor who is preaching the coming of the Lord and suddenly most of the congregation is gone. But in most congregations it will be the other way around. Just a handful of church elders will be gone but the rest will stay behind. In the 70's and 80's there was a lot of talk about the rapture. Today it seems weird to talk about it. There are a lot of people, who say sister Barthel, you are right.
With Luke 21:34-36 I want to close.
Be careful, that your hearts are not hardened and that you are not deceived by drunkenness and worries of this world and that you will be protected all of your days. Like a pitfall he will come over all, everyone on this earth. 36. Therefore watch at all times and ask that you are worthy that you will flee everything that will happen and that you will be able to stand before the son of man!
Veronika-Ulrike Barthel www.hands-for-charity.de