Paradise, the Holy City
and the Glory of the Throne
Near the turn of the 20th century, God gave Seneca Sodi the glorious experience of spending forty days in Heaven. This book will challenge your life and give you hope and encouragement to set aside all hindrances and press on into the glory of God.
As he relates his experiences to Elwood Scott, you will feel as though you are right with him, seeing the many different scenes of the Celestial Kingdom, escorted by King David. You will wonder at the glory and immensity of what God has prepared for us.
Your heart will he stirred at the description of the Holy Convocation around the Throne as Jesus speaks an end-time message of preparation for His coming. Your mind and heart will be enlarged as you look into a world beyond the veil and knowing that it will be worth it all!
—The Publishers
"I go to prepare a place for you." (John 14:2)
The most positive words about the eternal abode of the saints are found in these words of our Saviour. He made heaven very real to us. Without Jesus, we would not know very much of what heaven really is like, He opened the door to the "land that is fairer than day" and let us have a peek into it. He was our greatest Authority because & had come from heaven and had complete understanding and knowledge of the celestial land.
In this last while many of us have suffered the loss of our dear loved ones. We have missed them deeply and often longed to see them again and share our earth-joys with them. When we realize they are no more with us here, in the physical form, it gives us much inward pain. In this last while the Lord has called many of His choice saints home to be with Him.
The only thing that can comfort our grief at the loss which we have suffered is the knowledge that they are with the Lord in the home which He has prepared for them. They are now waiting for us to come and join them there. I personally believe that many more of His righteous ones will soon be called home. My own brother, Jamie, was called home very suddenly just a few months ago. The knowledge that He is with the Lord is my only comfort when I bid my father good-bye at his death-bed it was a deep grief to me because I know He loved me very dearly. As he was passing from this world to the next, my mother, my husband Jim and I sang the son of heaven to him. We sang while the angels dipped down low and carried him away into Abraham’s bosom. I was in Germany when my father was sick. I did not know if I would be able to see him before the Lord took him. I was having a terrible struggle in letting him go. One day the Lord made heaven so real to me that I was able to release my father. I began to write him a "good-bye" letter. Suddenly, the anointing came upon me and the prose tuned into a poetic form of writing. I want to share this with you. If you have suffered the loss of a loved one, I pray that it will give you comfort.
You’re standing at the gate of tomorrow,
And it’s hard to let you go,
Even though it’s a flesh good-bye.
Our spirits are united ever and you’ll always be close by.
If you should leave this house of clay
Ere I return to bid farewell,
Then don’t feel bad, my father dear,
You’re going just ahead.
We are coming close behind
Mother, brothers, Jim and I
And we will meet again, dear dad,
Upon the other side.
You’ll hug and kiss me with a smile
Like you have always done.
And I’ll forget each lonely mile
My weary feet have run.
You know, I envy you a bit
Because you’ll see HIM first,
The One who loved and lived and died
And took on Him our curse.
I’ve longed to see Him for so long,
I know I still must wait.
So tell Him that I love Him, dad,
When you step beside the gate.
And so, I bid you here good-bye,
"Auf Wiedersehen" dear dad.
Remember, your girl loves you still
And will really miss her dad!
---- Gwen R. Shaw
I looked past the curtain of time,
And saw up the beautiful stairs
Ten thousand bright angels in glory
All dressed in white raiment so fair.
"The battle is over," I heard them,
Their voices rang out o’er the air.
With palm leaves they shouted "Hosanna,"
His glory forever well share.
Our troubles and toiling is over,
The tempter is under our feet
He’s cast down in darkness forever
While we walk the beautiful streets.
The flowers will bloom on forever,
The leaves of the trees evergreen.
No night will come to our city,
For it’s lightened by heaven’s bright beam.
As we stroll through the garden of heaven
And smell the lilies so sweet,
We’ll clasp the hands of our loved ones,
As He says, "May your joy be complete."
As He shows us each one to our mansions
And we move in forever to stay,
The children will play by the fountain,
Our treasures will never decay.
We’ll visit each other in heaven,
So often I’ll knock on your door.
We can sit on the porch of your mansion
And look out o’er the beautiful shore.
We can talk of God’s blessings for ages,
For time up there will never end.
We’ll all have plenty in heaven,
I’ll be just as rich as you then.
The ole ship of Zion is anchored,
They’re stepping out onto the shore.
"The journey is ended," they shouted,
"We’ll never sail seas anymore."
The gates swing open so gently
As all of God’s children pass through;
At last we hear Jesus say softly,
"I came here to fix this for you."
- Author Unknown